
Mayors to visit Downing Street for devolution talks

The first government meeting with mayors to discuss “shifting power out of Westminster” towards the regions will take place on Tuesday, the new deputy prime minister has said.

England’s regional mayors are due to meet with Angela Rayner, who is also communities secretary, and Prime Minister Keir Starmer at 10 Downing Street where they will discuss “a major programme of devolution”, the government said.

Ms Rayner said “for too long” Westminster has “tightly gripped control” and “held back opportunities for towns, cities and villages across the UK”.

In the meeting, local mayors will be asked to identify local specialisms which could contribute to a “national industrial strategy”.

Labour has made growing the economy one of its five “missions” for government.

As part of this, it says local leaders will be required to draw up Local Growth Plans, which “identify growth sectors and the infrastructure they need to thrive”.

Twelve areas of England, including Greater Manchester, the West Midlands and Tees Valley, currently have devolution deals giving powers over areas such as transport, housing and employment.

Tees Valley’s Conservative mayor Ben Houchen, who was re-elected for a third consecutive term in May, is currently the only metro mayor who is not a Labour politician.

Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham and West Yorkshire mayor Tracy Brabin are also among those due to attend the meeting.

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